Our services
Planning, realisation or dispute resolution: how we assist you in solving problems in the best possible way.
As a law firm specialising in family and probate law, we can explain the various options available to you and ultimately recommend the best solution. However, you decide on the direction that we take. Our task is to achieve your aims as far as possible. So that we can assist you in the best possible way, you should give us all the relevant facts – including those that you think may be unfavourable to you.
In the event of family crises, dispositions under matrimonial property law or probate law and, in particular, for comprehensive successor planning, advice with a view to preventing problems is always the best approach. In the event of dispute, we can advise (by request) both parties together so that they can find viable solutions that respect each other’s interests.
Conflict resolution
We know how to settle disputes in a timesaving and nervesaving manner, thus avoiding lengthy and expensive processes. Our services in out-of-court conflict resolution include the joint development of agreements, mediation (also on the recommendation of courts) and the assessment of overall solutions. With the Breakout Days, we are also opening up a new way to lead conflicts to a balanced solution more quickly – as a sustainable basis that convinces in terms of content and reassures people.
We can represent our clients out-of-court and before the courts of the cantons of Zurich and Zug, as well as the surrounding cantons and the Grisons. We point out the risks involved and help to avoid inadvisable courses of action that could worsen the dispute.